Zero is always in excruciating pain when transforming to his third form (which is why he's screaming in agony in the last post), his muscles are constantly being torn and regenerating instantly to grow and more spikes are ripping through his back and biceps, the spikes he already has also protrude more. He acts more aggressive and angry when he's in his third form too, luckily he tries to end fights faster in this form
Zero and Zera's clothes are part of their body, though they can take off their clothes. Like Majin Boo they can regenerate their clothing, but it's not made of cells or anything
Zero has considered once standing in the middle of a busy intersection and not moving for weeks
Zera has a major crush on every adult character in Friday Night Funkin' (Bf, Gf, DD, MM, Pico)
Her and Zero also have crushed on Skyblue, Nikusa, Trepidation Gf, Ms. Circle, and Ryley's sonas
Who would win?
Zero vs Goku
Zero is immortal so stalemate, though he would easily wash cell saga goku