I think i figured it out
the game probably stopped saving after a certain point and that also might be when it stopped giving me my medals
i say this cuz i beat the battlefield stage twice and i took a few minutes off the second time, i also noticed the game said i didnt play 3 other stages
i beat every stage and beat stages as every character but only now the game will actually give me medals for it
i guess the game wants me to do everything a second time?
i was given advice to ask one of the developers to manually give me the bugged medals, should i do it? i wouldnt want to bother them
ill join the discord server and see if i can get some help from there
You aren't going to annoy anybody by sending a PM about your problem with those medals, feel free to give it a try - send a PM to Spagato (Rushdown Rivals game's programmer) politely, try telling him what's the problem and he will (possibly) answer back, and help you.
Otherwise - hey, at least you tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
👍ill wait for a short while to see if i get a response on discord first, if that doesnt work then ill talk to the guy