I have no idea how to make a game but I really want to.
Joined on 12/14/20
Posted by Zer0R8 - 2 weeks ago
Zero is always in excruciating pain when transforming to his third form (which is why he's screaming in agony in the last post), his muscles are constantly being torn and regenerating instantly to grow and more spikes are ripping through his back and biceps, the spikes he already has also protrude more. He acts more aggressive and angry when he's in his third form too, luckily he tries to end fights faster in this form
Zero and Zera's clothes are part of their body, though they can take off their clothes. Like Majin Boo they can regenerate their clothing, but it's not made of cells or anything
Zero has considered once standing in the middle of a busy intersection and not moving for weeks
Zera has a major crush on every adult character in Friday Night Funkin' (Bf, Gf, DD, MM, Pico)
Her and Zero also have crushed on Skyblue, Nikusa, Trepidation Gf, Ms. Circle, and Ryley's sonas
Posted by Zer0R8 - 1 month ago
the skyblue pic i made is on rule 34 😭😭😭
im gonna make an acc to comment on it
Posted by Zer0R8 - 1 month ago
this skyblue pic has been blowing up on my twitter since early this morning and I would very much appreciate if some of you guys went and followed me there :)
Posted by Zer0R8 - February 4th, 2025
This might get updated when I think of more things so yeah
Zera can speak with a few different accents to please whoever wants it
these include French, Spanish, and Russian
(speak to me in a French accent mommy 🤤)
Zero and Zera are always levitating, they both weigh about half a ton and if they actually touched the ground it would crumble beneath them so they always levitate by a few micrometers
Their powers come from specifically infrared light, making them completely immune to their own attacks (with a barrier) and also giving them their red highlights
They are resistant to other forms of radiaton but are not invulnerable to them, Zero can fly through space getting irradiated and come
out fine but radiation only harms them in the form of weapons used by their enemies
Zera loves to eat and Zero loves to fight, they don’t need to eat at all but it does help them, Zera gets enjoyment from it and if Zero ate more often, he would get a bit of a power boost and maybe he wouldn’t be so grumpy
the only downside is that Zera loves food so much that she now experiences hunger, not starving hunger but instead just slight discomfort and annoyance
Technically they are omnivorous because their fangs and stomach acid can break down anything (no literally anything) but they choose to usually eat meat a lot more than anything else
Zera loves Pepsi
Every part of Zera can be used as a pillow
her boobs, thighs, ass, belly
One of Zero’s ultimate moves is his Hyper Heat Vision attack, an ultra powerful burst of light from his eyes that can disintegrate nearly anything, its range is equivalent to the diameter of earth, he chooses to only use it for a few seconds because using it at full power will drain him of all his energy and leave him burnt out for a short while
The power and speed of their attacks scale with them
Zera is very loving and will love her partners for the rest of their lives, if they want to, they can ask her to keep them young and healthy
Zero is jealous of Zera because she’s smashed Skyblue and she’s smug about it